1. How old are you... (or if you prefer, who were you listening to at age 14 :)?
Butterfly by Crazytown...this is also mine and Katie’s song from high school lol
2. What do you do for a living?
I am a domestic engineer who coordinates chaos and is the CEO of The Y Household
3. What/who made you decide to book a boudoir session?
Having 3 kids has changed my body and losing weight has also allowed me to see my body in a different light and I wanted it captured.
4. Did you have any obstacles or fears about boudoir?
My initial fear was being naked or showing naked lady parts to Katie. But with my first outfit, I walked out of the change room and my one nipple popped out right away. And with that all cautions were thrown into the wind.
5. Why did you choose me?
I chose Katie because she was one of my good friends in high school and growing up. And I loved the images she had previously captured of women with kickass curves.
6. Where did you find me?
I stalked her on Facebook and Instagram.
7. How was the actual session different from what you expected (if at all)?
Katie has a wicked sense of humour and makes you laugh through the whole session. Her studio is also not what you expect...but it’s absolutely gorgeous!!!
8. What was your favorite part of the entire experience? (makeover, the shoot, seeing images, etc.)
My favourite part...I don’t have one. It was all amazing from the time we showed up, getting my makeup done, to being in the studio rocking my sexy side, to seeing all the photos and trying to choose my favourites.
9. What is your advice for women interested in such a session?
Just do it. If you’re a bit scared, Katie is your girl to see. She calms your nerves and helps you feel comfortable. Embrace your body. You only have one. And it’s amazing to see how it’s captured through the eyes of others.
10. Did anything change about the way you see your own beauty as a result of this session?
More beauty in my naked self. I catch myself before or after a shower just admiring it all.
11. Is there anything else I could do to make this experience absolutely perfect?
Don’t ever change. You are a fantastic woman who helps other women see their true beauty.
